West Sussex Ambulance Service Retirement Association

About Us

The Association was formed by the late Bob Mitchell who served at Pulborough Ambulance Station. He  organised its first meeting at the Black Horse public house Findon.
Membership levels have grown steadily since those early years. The group now meet for  a varity of social events, throughout the year.
The day to day running of the association is carried out by an elected committee consisting of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and three ordinary committee members.

Our Patron 

 Our Patron is Lady Emma Barnard of Parham House.


The objects of the Association

• To further the friendship and camaraderie developed during the time spent in the Ambulance Service.
• To promote a series of regular meetings and social events throughout the county.
• To assist and support  members and partners in times of need and, where necessary, offer welfare.
 To arrange trips and outings to places of interest to members.


A rare photo from Gary Edwards. The three Chief Officers of West Sussex.

Mr Vince Clover, The late Mr Pat Weeks and Mr Ken Smith



West Sussex Ambulance Control Room Chichester 

Cira Late 1970

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